The Wind and The Sun Originally created by Serious Mischief and Tell Tale Hearts An exciting and charming two person outdoor circus theatre show, based on the original fable by Aesop, that celebrates the good old British weather… Two Rival Siblings Battle the...
Jakob J Johnsonson’s Magical Menagerie Hear tales of peculiar creatures and their unusual habits! “Roll up! Roll up! And join Jakob J Johnsonson in his world of magic and circus creatures! See the most terrifying animal ever to have scuttled across...
The General Consensus – Coming soon A show about me, you and our relationship with the General Consensus. Join the General Consensus, Sergeant Mimi and Private Eugene and their hair raising race against time using a multi folding wobbly circus ladder to...
The Tale Of Captain Grimbeard Jump aboard for aaaaaarduous pirate puns aplenty! Originally created for Balby on the sea festival in Doncaster as a collaboration with Micky Bimble. A street show for all the family, the tale of Captain Grimbeard is a...